Im März reiste die 6C mit den Professorinnen M.Vormaier und B.Braunöder für eine Woche nach Dun Longhaire. Neben den Stunden in der Sprachschule blieb noch viel Zeit für Erkundigungen, wie eine Klippenwanderung nach Howth, eine Stadtbesichtigung von Dublin mit dem Trinity College oder einer Irish Dance Vorführung.
Carolina schreibt über die Sprachwoche:
School trip to Ireland
From the 20th to the 27th of March, the students of class 6C spent a week in Dublin, Ireland. All of us had a great time in a (mostly) great family, and it was fun from start to finish. But let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
We arrived on a Wednesday at 2pm (Ireland time, of course. Back in Vienna it was already 3 o’ clock.) That day we didn’t do much more than meet and greet our host families, get to know them (and their dogs) a bit better. (Really, every host family except one had at least one dog.)
Dinner usually started around 7pm and afterwards we had some free time to roam around. There were also times when we could excuse ourselves from dinner, so we could eat somewhere in the neighbourhood with our friends (the rules of skipping dinner were different for every host family, though).
On Thursday, we had morning classes from 9am to 12:15. And now, a brief intermission, so I can rant about the busses. Every day, our bus either came 10 minutes too early and we missed it, or it was over 30 minutes late and we had to wait and often arrived too late at school.
But at least we got to see Dublin City in all its glory when a history student gave us a tour of the city. Afterwards, we got to roam around ourselves, again. Most of us went to Grafton Street, a relatively small but famous shopping street. The rest of the day was the same drill as always: dinner, a bit more free time, and then bed.
Friday was an interesting day: we had morning classes as before, but then we went Irish dancing in the city. The people who taught us dancing were very skilled and none of the 80 (!) students in the room got a single step right, but it was still entertaining (and very loud).
On Saturday and Sunday we didn’t have school (of course), so we went on full day trips. I think most of us really liked our Saturday trip to Howth, where we hiked for around four and a half hours. It was exhausting but the beautiful peninsula of Howth made up for our aching feet.
Sunday we went to Wicklow Gaol and then to Glendalough, where we hiked again (but for a significantly shorter time). My host mother actually told me if you go to Glendalough it is either sunny and beautiful, or windy and unpleasant. For us, it was the windy kind of day (to be honest, there was not enough time for lunch break and we were rather hungry…).
On Monday, we visited Dalkey Castle, where three actors pretended to be an archer, cook and the wife of the castle owner respectively. It was weird but very fun, and probably my favourite trip (or one of my favourites). Then we had afternoon classes from 2pm to 5:15pm (more of an ugh).
Tuesday, we had (another) tour of Trinity College. We saw the famous Book of Kells and the library. We met the other classes that spent their last day in Dublin (originally, they resided in Galway) and had a few hours of free time with them, until we had to go to afternoon classes.
On the last day, we had to wake up at 3:30am. A taxi got us at around 4:20am and then, we flew back to Austria.
I think the trip was fun overall, and it really wouldn’t hurt for other classes to do it too.
(To be honest with you, I do miss Ireland. I’m yearning to go back to Dublin!)
Carolina Halapier, 6C