Aktivtage zum Kennenlernen 2B & 3D


Die Zugfahrt war anstrengend und lustig, weil wir Masken tragen mussten aber auch sehr viel gelacht haben.

Der Theaterworkshop war spannend und amüsant, weil wir uns verkleiden durften und jede/r eine Rolle spielte.

Das Ritteressen war mühsam und schwierig, weil wir wie Schweine gegessen haben und immer einen Trinkspruch sagen mussten.

Die Almwanderung war sehr schön, weil der Ausblick auf der Alm unglaublich romantisch war.

Die Fackelwanderung war cool, weil wir mehr über den Ort erfahren haben.

Das Sagenerzählen am Lagerfeuer war spannend und gruselig, weil der Erzähler so lebhaft erzählt hat.

Das Überlebenstraining in der Wildnis war interessant, weil wir viel gelernt haben.

Die Aktivitäten im Outdoor Park waren richtig toll, weil wir über einen See geflogen sind.


Our school trip

After two years of waiting, we finally went on our first school trip. We met our teacher at the train station and took the train to Mauterndorf, where we checked in the youth hostel. After that we visited the castle and did a theatre workshop. We dressed up as knights, farmers, maids and princesses and performed a play. I was Anna, the princess. It was a lot of fun.

In the evening we went torch hiking. This was very exciting. On the next day, we went hiking in the mountains and enjoyed great „mountain burgers“ for lunch. Then we went back and had a special dinner the „Ritteressen“, where we used our fingers instead of knives and forks. After that we met at the campfire and listened to old legends. The stories were really spooky!

On Wednesday we were at an outdoor adventure park with a huge flying fox line and other exciting activities. In the evening we danced and had fun in the disco.

I wish we could go on another school trip soon.  (Fanny 3D)